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Last January 31, 2009, the juniors & seniors of cebu eastern college are so excited about the field trip. Some students arrived very early in the school because they were very excited and some students were late and almost left the bus. In the bus we are so noisy like there's an earthquake because we are so ignorant and excited, but after how many hours we became silent because we're tired and some were sleeping. We were having fun and take some funny photos while eating snacks. When we arrived in the paper mill factory in Danao, we were amazed about the machines and their equipments and the process of making the papers. And when I went to the mixing chest I almost vomitted because it's so smelly. Luckily I didn't vomit...ahhaa!!!

And when we arrived in the sugar mill factory, it was so SMELLY!!! We almost vomitted because of the smell and it's so dirty and wet. And I "think" after the sugar has been made i "think" it is dirty because of the machines are dirty. After that, we went to Mandaue because there's another factory over there. When we arrived in the styro factory we were amazed how the iceboxes and styro being made. Their machines are so cool and great. After that, we went to the paper mill in Mandaue, we saw the process how the cartons being print, being stitch, and being cut. And sad to say some factory workers are so unlucky beacuse our tour guide said that some of them their hand are being cut because of their foolishness and not concentrating with their works and always talking while cut that's why some of them their hand are being cut. After that, we went already to our school and some of us were very tired and because of the sun is very hot.

And we already discovered how these things being made. We were so lucky to have a field trip because last year we didn't experience this one. And thank you for letting us experience this one.... that's all I can say and Thank you for reading......:-)

"the positives and negatives and the suggestions I put it in the lowest part of the blog."


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